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  • moonguru


    válasz szocsika #14875 üzenetére


    Itt a segítség:


    A kulcsszó: SET MAX ADDRESS : Resizing capacity :)

    * Set Max Address

    * This screen shows how to use SET MAX ADDRESS. Default value of TARGET LBA or TARGET SIZE represents the current drive size. If you want to resize drive capacity, select TARGET LBA or TARGET SIZE and type the proper LBA or MB number that you want to change. After adjusting drive capacity, perform PROCESS by pressing Enter Key.
    * Regarding MODE, you are presented to select either NON-VOLATILE, changed capacity is effective regardless of power off/on, or VOLATILE, changed capacity is effective as long as power on (i.e. after power off/on, drive capacity will be retrieved to original one).
    * If you want to recover to the original size of drive, perform RECOVER NATIVE SIZE by pressing Enter Key. DISPLAY CURRENT STATUS represents the current size of drive.
    * If you set 32GB Clip due to capacity limitation of system, remove the 32GB clip to adjust the LBA or SIZE.
    * After performing SET MAX ADDRESS user’s previous data will be corrupted. Therefore it takes into great consideration to back-up the data in advance. Samsung has no responsibility of lost data.

    Monitor Guru!

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