Ismét 3dfx pletykák


No, végigolvasva a fórumot, persze ott az infó. Mindenki érezze magát megkímélve egy csomó üzenet (nem éppen témába vágó, avagy illendő hangnemű) fölösleges elolvasásától.

  • M-Buffer : "M" stands for multi-sample. While the VSA-100 FSAA algorithm (aka T-Buffer) relies on super-sampling FSAA method (where a unique texture lookup is performed per subsample), in the multi-sampling method, used by Spectre, only one texture lookup per *pixel* (so that all subsamples use the same texture lookup value) is required. This is an optimization that the workstation folks have done for years, and is visually unnoticeable. However, it reduces the amount of texture lookup by a factor of 4 compared to the VSA-100 method, so the performance for the Spectre M-buffer method is therefore much better."

  • Recursive textures : Texturing flexibility by supporting N (8 for Spectre) independent, unique textures applied per pixel in a single rendering pass. From per-pixel bump mapping to turbulence and glass distortion types of effects, 3D developers now have the flexibility and power to generate Hollywood-quality visual effects in real-time. Also reflection on water.

  • Overbright (52-bit color) : Increased internal precision of 52-bits (signed 13-bits per RGBA color component), generating rendered images of substantially higher quality. The higher dynamic range reduces darkening resulting in more vibrant and realistic images."

  • Natural cubic spline : Between each pair of control points there is a cubic curve. To make sure that curves join together smoothly, the first and second derivative at the end of one curve must equal the the first and second derivative start of the next one. Computing the natural cubic spline essentially involves solving a system of simultaneous equations to make sure this happens.

  • Higher Order Surfaces (HOS) : Curved surface maps representing textures. Includes Bezier, B-Spline, Catmull-Rom spline patches

  • Curved patches : A curved surface created from two or more curves.

  • B-Spline : B-splines are a formulation (Barsky and Beatty, 1983) of B-spline curve segments. Barsky introduced two new degrees of freedom- bias and tension- which cab be applied either uniformly to the whole curve or non-uniformly by varying their values along the curve

  • Catmull-Rom spline patches : Unlike a natural cubic spline, a Catmull-Rom spline has local control. This means that modifying one control point only affects the part of the curve near that control point.

  • Bezier : A way of mathematically describing a curve, used by graphics programs such as MacroMedia FreeHand and Adobe Illustrator.
