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  • TTomax


    Falat kenyér...

    AMD announces FidelityFX, Image Sharpening filter and Anti-Lag features

    FidelityFX is meant to be a post-processing effect that will improve the sharpness of various surfaces.
    This may sound similar to an Image Sharpening filter, however games will need to natively support this feature otherwise it will not work.
    Still, for games that do not support FidelityFX, AMD will add a general Image Sharpening filter that can be enabled for every game.

    Kevés az fpsed,de azt legalább élesen látod... :DDD

    (#134) Oliverda
    Maga a HBM2 lehet az volt,csak akkor csúszott el a matek amikor az interposerra kellet applikálni hibátlanul,mert ott nincs olyan ááá mégse lett jó visszavesszük...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    ★★★★★ I got too much soul, rhythm and blues R&B ya see, all that's cool, but hip-hop and rap yeah that's where my heart's at Even back when I used to break on a box ★★★★★ "Chief Rocka"

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