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  • Ck.


    Tiszteletem az egybegyűlteknek,

    Felteszem inkább itt a kérdést, hátha itt többen fordulnak meg AirPods Pro-val.
    Amikor 1 hete kibontottam, kipróbáltam mindhárom méretű gumi haranggal, lefuttattam a szigetelés tesztet is, hibátlan volt minddel.
    Néhány napra rá azonban akármit csinálok, ha fejen állok se sikerül átmenni a szigetelés tesztjén. Próbáltam a korábban tökéletesen működő másik 2 méretet, egyik sem megy át a teszten.
    Ahogy jobban elkezdtem beleásni magam a témába, nem egyedi eset...

    Valami nem kerek ezzel az AirPods Pro-val, tele van a net kísértetiesen hasonló sztorikkal:
    ”Agree. Mine passed the fit test on the first try but, not since. The large tips also work well for me. I only wish there was an XL tip to try. I have large ear canals.”
    “I also think there’s a problem with the fit test, not the earphones.
    I have two pairs of AirPod Pros (don’t ask). The first pair passed the fit test immediately, and consistently (with the large tips) on the day I bought them. Then, after about two days’ of use, the first pair stopped passing the fit test (and no amount of twisting or pushing helped). I then opened the second pair of AirPods and ran the fit test — and the second pair passed consistently (even though I was using the same size tips on both pairs, and the first pair failed consistently). So I exchanged the first pair, thinking the first pair was somehow faulty.
    Now, several days later, the second pair are consistently failing the fit test — but the third pair (the pair I received when I exchanged the first pair) pass the fit test consistently. My guess is that after a bit of use, something borks the fit test. My suggestion would be to use the fit test, when the AirPods are new to help identify the best tips for your ears — and then forget about the fit test because it won’t be reliable for long.
    I have a (large) number of earphones, and I’m pretty sure I know what a decent seal feels like — and I’m getting a decent seal with the AirPod Pros and the large tips. They sound terrific and the noise cancelling works really well. I’m assuming at this point that the inconsistent results I’m getting when I run the fit test represent a problem with the fit test, not the earphones. I suppose Apple may be able to fix that with a firmware update — but until they do, I wouldn’t drive myself crazy running the fit test.”

    Bárki tapasztalt már hasonlót? Akinek hosszabb ideje megvan, megtenné hogy most is lefuttat egy tesztet? :R

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