

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Puma K


    "Intel also used a real-world fluid simulation benchmark to showcase their IMC (Memory controller) performance. In this test, the Core i7-9700K finished the simulation in 15 minutes while the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X took 17 minutes to complete. This specific test relies heavily on memory as Intel points out and Intel claims that AMD’s Infinity Fabric has a core to DRAM delay of 75ns and a core to core delay of 78ns. Intel’s Core i7-9700K has a DRAM delay of 62ns and a core to core delay of 44ns."

    "Intel: AMD Has Done A Great Job But We Still Have The Highest Performing CPUs"

    Forrás: [link]

    Mindenki hátradőlhet, mert Intel bácsi megmondta a frankót! :P :D

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "Cuccok: csattogós lepke és tiki-taki" └[ʘヘʘ]┘

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák