

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Met


    válasz zodo #248506 üzenetére

    Miért jelentetted?
    Tegnap simán kitolt egy f@szkalap az enemy elé, simán meg is haltam.
    Ticket, replay, leírtam.

    Dear Met__,

    Thank you for contacting our Player Support team about a friendly fire incident.

    We are very sorry something like this happened when you were just trying to have fun. This has also happened to us in battle and we know it’s frustrating and can have a major impact on the outcome of a game.

    Team-Damagers are handled by an automatic system that takes into account all attempts to cause damage to allies. This tool acts against team-killers and compensates those players whose vehicle has been damaged by an ally.

    Once an account has damaged/stunned/killed a certain number of allied vehicles, which we estimate as beyond a reasonable accident, a restriction is applied to the offending account.

    In addition, offenders are forced to pay a portion of the damage caused (in credits) and forfeit some experience to their victim. While we may tolerate occasional team damage, since we understand that accidents can happen during a battle, once an account crosses the line, a sanction is due. The first offense in World of Tanks is a 24-hour suspension, meanwhile recurrent offending accounts will observe escalating punishments.

    We always try to maintain a positive environment in our game, so all players can enjoy their gaming experience. With confidence, we can assure you that our automated system accurately tracks these types of situations, so there’s no need to contact our Player Support team to report this specific situation.

    We hope that you will continue to have fun in the game and feel welcome in our community. These sorts of issues are the exception to the norm, and we do our best to mitigate them as much as possible.

    On the other hand, please also keep in mind that not retaliating to this kind of in-game behaviour is the best approach if you want to avoid potential sanctions by the automatic system.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

    Best regards,
    Anthony Curtis

    Le is zárta az a buzi.
    Új ticket, replay, leírtam ugyan azt és még annyit hogy ha ezentúl kitolok mindenkit a fedezékből és esetleg valaki reportol és bant kapok akkor hivatkozhatok erre a ticketre, mert a csodás rendszer érzékelte volna ha szabálytalan vagyok, így akkor mire is kaptam a büntetést?
    Ticket lezárva, szöveg ugyan az, csak már magyarul.

    "If in doubt, flat out!" Colin McRae

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák