
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Geth


    válasz st3v3np3t3r #109405 üzenetére

    TRIM: az élettartam miatti aggódásról már kiderült hogy lepkefing, pozitívumként az adatvédelem mellé pedig fel lehet venni a teljesítményt is (írás üres illetve teli blokkba).

    Storage Optimizer will defrag an SSD once a month if volume snapshots are enabled. This is by design and necessary due to slow volsnap copy on write performance on fragmented SSD volumes. It’s also somewhat of a misconception that fragmentation is not a problem on SSDs. If an SSD gets too fragmented you can hit maximum file fragmentation (when the metadata can’t represent any more file fragments) which will result in errors when you try to write/extend a file. Furthermore, more file fragments means more metadata to process while reading/writing a file, which can lead to slower performance.

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