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  • Breki


    válasz Lasy #2077 üzenetére

    Hmmmmmmmm tényleg

    My Experiences with Several SpeedCubeShop Supernova Cubes
    Let me preface this post by saying I am only sub-19, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I am aware that I am not as fast as some other cubers, but I do believe I am experienced enough to give my thoughts on certain cubes.

    Anyways, into what you probably clicked on this post for; Supernova cubes. For those of you who don't know, Supernova cubes are SpeedCubeShop's budget version of their premium cubes. They do not get the same amount of set-up as a Cosmic cube, and understandably so, because of their lesser costs. As a high school student who only works about 8-10 hours a week, I saw this as a great way to introduce myself to what a premium cube felt like. I currently own 5 different Supernova cubes; the Weipo M, the MF3RS2M, the Valk 3 M, the Wuque M, and the Wushuang M. I will be going over each cube to discuss what I like, what I didn't like, and if I think it is worth the price-tag.

    Supernova Weipo M: I bought this cube for $26.95, and chose the stickerless version. Prior to purchasing this cube, I had already owned the Weipo, and wanted to try a magnetic 2x2, so I figured, "Why not?" For starters, out of the box, I did not like the cube at all. It felt really blocky, and I was averaging about 0.75 seconds worse than I normally average. I decided not to add anything, to see if the cube would break in well, and let me tell you, it did. After about 500 solves, the cube was full broken in. It was smooth, fast, and in all honesty, fit my turning perfectly. However, I do not think magnets were necessary, as I never really see many people misaligning on a 2x2, but I enjoy the slight tactile feel they give off when turning. Unfortunately, I don't know if I could justify spending $26.95 on it, so while it is a good cube and I understand that the price comes from the labor of setting up and magnets, I do not think it is worth that much.

    Supernova MF3RS2M: I bought this cube for $21.95 and received it in stickerless. Out of the box, it was perfect. It felt like SpeedCubeShop knew the exact tensions I liked, and lubed it t perfection. One thing that I noticed that I think a lot of others would, is that the magnets are extremely weak. When I received the cube, I had to turn slowly to make sure they were in there. You definitely cannot feel them at all while you are turning. But, for its low price-point, and great feel, I would definitely recommend spending $21.95 to buy this cube. I love it.

    Supernova Valk 3 M: I spent $33.95 on this cube and received it in stickerless. Out of the box, it was fast, and I mean, it was fast. I could barely control the cube at all, and was overshooting a lot of my U2 turns. Luckily, after I added some heavier lube to the pieces, it became much more controllable and I could easily execute algs. But then, a magnet dislodged. And then another. And another. All within my first 300 solves on this cube. I have never dropped it, or even had it leave my room. I don't even have an aggressive turning style, so I have no idea what happened. I sent a message to customer support about it, and I will post an update here once I get a response. If nothing can be done about it, then I do not recommend spending $33.95. But, I do think mine was just set up incorrectly and it was an honest mistake on SCS part. Hopefully something can be done about it.

    Supernova Wuque M: I spent $47.95 on this and received it in stickerless. It is my favorite 4x4. Ever. I have had to add some lube to it after about 500 solves because it started becoming extremely slow, but that it too be expected. It is perfectly controllable, and the magnets are especially helpful during the 3x3 stage. For anyone seriously getting into 4x4, but don't want to spend an obscene amount of money for a magnetic 4x4, go with this one. Definitely worth every penny.

    Supernova Wushuang M: I bought this cube for $49.95 and received it in stickerless. Somehow, I think my cube was magnetized, and then shipped out without set-up. I received it, and could barely turn it at all. The screws were screwed all the way in, and I could barely manage to turn a single layer. When I did loosen it and started turning, the cube felt dry. I took out my earbuds, and could hear the plastic rubbing against itself. I ended up having to set it up completely by myself. If this is what everyone receives, then I do not recommend the $49.95 price-tag.

    Anyways, that is the end of the post. If anyone has any questions, please respond to the post and I will try to get back to any of you! Thanks for reading!

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