

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

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    válasz Hieronymus #7118 üzenetére

    Érdekel a téma. Ha van leírásod arról amit leírtál jöhet.

    A telefonra és az órára is egy token kerül. Leglábbra is a Google Pay/wallet saját dokumentációja szerint. :F Mindenhol a tokenizálás van leírva. Nincs virtuáls kártya

    Létrehoz egy virtual account number (VAN) a Google a Google acc-hoz, és van Wallet ID is.

    Ezt találtam a hivatalos leírásokban:

    Lényegében van online és offline vásárlás.

    Van az eszközökön x db offline token. Ha online vagy pedig a WalletID és még x másik dolog kerül ellenőrzésre a Google szerverein. Nincs bank kártyás fizetés a Dokumentáció szerint csak tokenizálva történik minden a Google szervereinek a beiktatásával.

    Network tokenization standards: When a cardholder makes a purchase using a device token, Google Pay sends the token's DPAN rather than the FPAN of the card. This “tokenization” provides your cardholders with an extra layer of security.

    Cardholders authorize payments: When ready to make a purchase, we use device unlock to enforce network rules for high-value and low-value transactions in your country. This process serves as the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) and replicates the security of entering a server-verified PIN entry.

    Both Google Wallet and Google Pay use tokenization to protect your card details. When you add your card to either service, a unique token is generated. This token is used to represent your card for payments, but it does not contain your actual card number.

    Google Wallet does not store your card details during payment. When you add your card to Google Wallet, a unique token is generated. This token is used to represent your card for payments, but it does not contain your actual card number.

    When you pay with your phone using NFC, your phone generates a unique token that is used to represent your credit or debit card information. This token is then sent to the POS terminal, which uses it to authorize the payment. The token is never shared with the merchant, so your card information is kept safe.

    Google Pay and Google Wallet work offline in a similar way. When you first set up the app, it will download a limited number of "tokens" from your bank or credit card issuer. These tokens are essentially digital representations of your card information that are encrypted and stored on your phone.

    When you make an offline payment, Google Pay or Google Wallet will use one of these tokens to authorize the transaction. The token is never sent to the merchant or payment processor, so your actual card information is never exposed.

    The amount of the transaction must be within the limit set by your bank or credit card issuer.

    Once the transaction is complete, the token and VAN are discarded. This helps to prevent your card information from being stored on any device.

    Google Pay does not contact your bank directly. When you make a payment with Google Pay, your phone sends a token to Google's servers. Google's servers then contact your bank's servers to authorize the payment. Your bank's servers will never see your actual card information.

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák