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  • ClayMore

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    changelogokat nem nagyon találni optimus g hez. csak ezt találtam.

    tud vki firmware change log list-et?


    4.1.2 idején a changelog:
    Google Now™
    Expandable, actionable notifications
    Android Beam™ to send photos and more
    QuickTranslator application downloadable from the Application Manager
    Smoother user interface. Vsync timing across all drawing and animation done by the Android framework, including application rendering, touch events, screen composition and display refresh; and triple buffering in the graphics pipeline
    User-installable keyboard maps
    Ability to turn off notifications on an app specific basis
    Shortcuts and widgets can automatically be re-arranged or re-sized to allow new items to fit on home screens
    Bluetooth data transfer for Android Beam
    Improved voice search
    Improved camera app
    Android mobile version of Google Chrome replaces stock Android browser
    Ability for other launchers to add widgets from the app drawer without requiring root access

    Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal MEZEK ELADÓAK!!!...................http://hardverapro.hu/apro/angol_behozatalbol_mezek_eladoak_liverpool-chelsea/friss.html#msg5

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