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  • Raymond


    válasz leviske #29 üzenetére

    "A Vega64 elég szépen gyorsult a Fiji-hez képest, pedig az alap specifikációik azonosak."

    Az orajel es a mem savszelnek novekedesenek megfeleloen gyorsult. Azonos orajelen azonos mem savszel mellet ez van: [link]

    "Even at the highest difference we only experienced an 8% performance advantage clock for clock in two games. Most games were between 1% to 5% performance advantage. Given the nature of the dynamic clock speed on Vega this is within the margin for error. There were a few games that had almost exactly the same performance, or within 1FPS to 2FPS of each other.

    This means that all or most of the performance uplift you see from Vega 56/64 versus Fury/Fury X (from Fiji to Vega architecture) is purely down to clock speed. The 500+ MHz clock speed advantage of Vega 64 versus Fury X is what makes it 30% to 40% faster than Fury X when normally clocked."

    A lenyeg a vegerol ha nincs kedved vegiglapozni.

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