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  • szacsee


    válasz Gorneck #1209 üzenetére

    Asszem az.. :K
    Egy fórumon akadtam rá..:

    "The best I can tell CPU VTT is the CPU termination voltage on the VRM. Maybe there is an electrical engineer that has some real knoledge on this stuff but I'll try and explain to the best of my ability.

    On the CPU voltage delivery system you have the FETs (Field Effect Transistors), in our case MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors) that deliver voltage to the CPU. One phase of power will have two FETs with a capacitor inbetween that delivers the bulk of the voltage. The top FET opens at a sensed voltage and delivers current to the capacitor, via an inductor. When the specified voltage is met on the capacitor the top FET closes and at a signal from the voltage controller chip, the bottom FET opens up and delivers voltage to the CPU. This creates that square wave we all know about . At another spec voltage the top FET will open back up and start the fill process again.

    So top FET opens, cap fills, top closes and bottom FET opens delivering voltage to the CPU. Having several of these circuits smooths things out immensely and takes the strain off individual parts.

    From what I can see from my research, the VTT, or termination voltage, is the voltage at which the top FET opens. Keeping it close to the Vcore should help smooth things out. So 1.54v Vcore selected in BIOS, the VTT should be at 1.5v or so is my guess.

    Régebbi alaplap topikjában...P5N32-E SLI.
    This may all be BS but it is the best I can do. "

  • tlac


    válasz Gorneck #1209 üzenetére

    a vtt az az fsb fesz volt a p35-ben
    ha most is van ilyen a biosban, akkor az nem a CPU Termination lesz

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