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  • siriq


    Amd-s srac nyilatkozott:Engineering samples have nothing disabled. But we target lower frequencies because that improves the yield. Having more chips to work with is infinitely better than having fewer faster chips - it is how the business works.

    Anyone trying to make assumptions from engineering sample results will be wrong. I don't understand why everyone is still trying to read the tea leaves on ES results, especially if they are probably not even real.
    Jah, John Fruehe volt az.
    Dezz: azert hajnali haromkor nem fogok atnyalazni mindent.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Meg mindig nincs 1000 oras BF3 nev, kozben mar masok is erdeklodnek utana... Mar bevallottan nincs 1000 ora neki... Varjunk Dec 31-ig a Mantle-a.

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