

Aktív témák

  • válasz #65675776 #47629 üzenetére


    1) Grayed out and selected.
    You are forced to have the whole disk formatted and repartitioned to match the partition structure of the disk the image was made from.
    This can occur when restoring an image to a new disk or the original disk with a modified partition structure.
    Data on other partitions on the disk you are restoring to will be lost.

    2) Grayed out and unselected.
    You are not given the option to format and repartition the disk. This will occur if you are restoring Windows from a partition on the same disk.

    3) Not grayed out and unselected.
    Here you have the option to select format the whole disk and repartition or not. In this case the disk the image was taken from has a matching partition structure to the disk you are restoring the image to. By not selecting the format and repartition option your image will be restored and other partitions untouched such as valuable data partitions.

    Konklúzió: Használj 3rd part backup/restore progit, mert a Windows-é finoman szólva is körülményes... ;]

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    Mindenki tudja, hogy bizonyos dolgokat nem lehet megvalósítani, mígnem jön valaki, aki erről nem tud, és megvalósítja. (Albert Einstein)

Aktív témák