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    válasz spanglee001 #64313 üzenetére

    A Why we refuse alatt meg van magyarazva a miertje:

    - Admins are unhappy about changes.

    - Admins use the CTE forums to communicate issues but are being ignored
    - Dices politic regarding ranked servers
    - Hidden Patchnotes
    - Patchnotes arriving too late
    - Too many restrictions in server presets (e.g. idle timeout, max. vehicle spawn delay, etc.)
    - Not enough control about amounts of vehicles that spawn or classes/weapons to use
    - Splitting up the community with premium
    - Official preset not administered
    - No admin-only spectator
    - The fight against cheater (why does every client get all data?)

    What do we hope to achieve with this strike:
    - Better in-time communication from Dice to admins
    - To stop decieving admins with hidden patches
    - That Dice establishs a communication pipeline with admins which is being listened to

    Problems that result out of the named points:
    - Players are unhappy because they die ingame because of rules
    - Admins feel being forced to use the preset "official"
    - Cheaters/Cheatcoders can "destroy" servers
    - many more... please discuss in forums

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    You can only die once, make sure it is worth it...

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák