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  • Busterftw


    válasz wouhn #169 üzenetére

    Ezt jol megfogalmazta Jim Jefferies. Tokeletesen ideillik.

    "We have to play to the 1% that are such fuckwits they ruin it for the rest of us. We have to walk as slow as our slowest person to keep society fucking moving, right?
    I take drugs like a fucking champion, right?
    We should all be allowed to take fucking drugs, but we can’t, can we? Because Sarah took drugs and she stabbed her fucking kids. Oh, thanks, Sarah. You fucked it up for everyone. Right?

    Everyone should be allowed to drive their car as fast as they can do it, right? But we can’t because Jonathan got drunk and ran over a family. Thanks, Jonathan! Now I have to drive at 30, you fucking idiot!"

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