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  • Abu85


    válasz zoltanz #149 üzenetére

    A Fermit Huang papa a GeForce FX-hez hasonlítja, persze itt most ne bukás oldalára gondoljunk. :)
    “We didn’t think it was half-baked. It wasn’t a successful product and let me tell you where it went sideways on us. GeForce FX uses an interface that was different than DX9. We chose CG as our programming interface. ATI had DX9 so the compiler generator from Microsoft could be used for ATI directly but had to be recompiled JIT for our GPU. That recompile process at that time with its JIT compilation was the reason the market hated it. And we did a really bad job at explaining it.

    The reviewers felt that we were cheating and so they ran it two ways- the recompiled version and the native version. Our performance was terrible at the native version because the architecture was very different than what was implemented in DX9. That was a part of our history that we didn’t handle extremely well. There are many things we could have done differently before we announced it. I would’ve taken the architecture and taught it to the world on how GeForce FX works. That’s what we did with Fermi- taught everyone how it works because its so different and the performance is going to be so much better and faster.”

    Magán az elgondoláson van a lényeg. Az új architektúra revolúció, ami új utakat jár:
    “If we dont revolutionize the GPU again then we’ve already hit the wall. Thats exactly the reason why we invented PhysX and why we’re gonna bring ray-tracing to the market place. PhysX and Ray tracing even on the highest end, run really slow. You wont be able to do ray tracing across all your images but we could do things like soft shadows right away. Also, the last step of 3D graphics is a 3D to 2D projection- why render in 3D and show it on 2D- that’s weird right? If your monitor is 120Hz, you ought to be able to pop on a $100 pair of glasses and enjoy 3D but with that, your frame rate is just divided in half. So your current graphic card suddenly becomes half as good. With more Physx, Ray Tracing and some global illumination, things become more and more realistic.

    I’m not cynical about the market but If you give them the same thing over and over again, they’ll get tired. Look at iPod- there’s iPod fatigue. If you were to have an iPod, well, yeah- who doesn’t? If you have a Zune HD now, everybody wants to look at it- people need a new thing. It is possible to build a new thing. Thats the reason why we didn’t wanna take the GT200 and add DX11. Its possible. Its as easy as peach.

    Itt a teljes interjú: [link]

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