
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • bb71


    válasz Keeperv85 #4689 üzenetére

    A brutálisan sokon már túl vagyok.. ezért voltak rövidek a karácsonyi éjszakák :U

    Kész van minden fájl, a framework-öket nem merem feltenni a telóra, mert némelyiknél a nagy nehezen sikerült recompile esetén is láttam "csúnya" warningokat.
    Egy Shaka nevű kínai? által buherált apktool-3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905-Shaka toollal sikerült a legmesszebb mennem:

    atch ApkTool : 3.6.3
    APKTOOL : apktool_3.0.0.jar
    build in EXPERT mode : NO
    Sign output APKs : NO

    [*] Installing framework framework-ext-res.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\17.apk
    [*] Installing framework framework-res.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\1.apk
    [*] Installing framework miui.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\16.apk
    [*] Installing framework miuisystem.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\18.apk
    [*] Installing framework PersonalAssistantPlugin.apk
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (androidhwext), pkgId: 26
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\27.apk
    [*] Installing framework SmsExtra.apk
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui.system), pkgId: 18
    I: Decoding Shared Library (smsextraext), pkgId: 31
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\32.apk
    [*] Installing framework WebViewGoogle.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\2.apk

    [*] Decompiling framework-ext-res.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\16.apk
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Renamed manifest package found! Replacing com.miui.rom with android.miui
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling framework-res.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Regular manifest package...
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling miui.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Regular manifest package...
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling miuisystem.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\16.apk
    I: Renamed manifest package found! Replacing com.miui.system with miui.system
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\16.apk
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling PersonalAssistantPlugin.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (androidhwext), pkgId: 26
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Regular manifest package...
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\16.apk
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\16.apk
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling SmsExtra.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui.system), pkgId: 18
    I: Decoding Shared Library (smsextraext), pkgId: 31
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Regular manifest package...
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\16.apk
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\16.apk
    Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive c:\BatchApkTool\bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...

    [*] Decompiling WebViewGoogle.apk
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    I: Loading resource table...
    I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
    I: Loading resource table from file: bin\framework\1.apk
    I: Regular manifest package...
    I: Decoding file-resources...
    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
    I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
    I: Copying assets and libs...
    I: Copying unknown files...
    I: Copying original files...


    Egyébként pl. a Calculator és a Settings.apk-t feltettem a telóra és gyönyörű magyar.
    Viszont - próbálkoztam egy custom-zippel, hogy automatán TWRP-ből tegye fel az összes apk-t - kivéve belőlük a frameworköket - és hát nem indult el a teló. TWRP mentésből persze vissza tudtam állítani.
    Kézzel meg kicsit macerás mindet felmásolni a /system/app, /system/priv-app és framework könyvtárakba plusz chmod és chown.


    Batch ApkTool : 3.6.3
    APKTOOL : apktool_3.0.0.jar
    build in EXPERT mode : YES
    Sign output APKs : NO

    [*] Installing framework framework-ext-res.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\17.apk
    [*] Installing framework framework-res.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\1.apk
    [*] Installing framework miui.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\16.apk
    [*] Installing framework miuisystem.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\18.apk
    [*] Installing framework PersonalAssistantPlugin.apk
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (androidhwext), pkgId: 26
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\27.apk
    [*] Installing framework SmsExtra.apk
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui), pkgId: 16
    I: Decoding Shared Library (miui.system), pkgId: 18
    I: Decoding Shared Library (smsextraext), pkgId: 31
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\32.apk
    [*] Installing framework WebViewGoogle.apk
    I: Framework installed to: bin\framework\2.apk

    [*] Recompiling framework-ext-res
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_brightness' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_divider' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_drive_mode' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_network_type' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_privacy_mode' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_reboot' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_shutdown' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_sync_auto' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_sync_manual' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_syncing' has no default translation.
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...

    [*] Recompiling framework-res
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    W: warning: string 'whichSendToApplication' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'whichSendToApplicationLabel' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'whichSendToApplicationNamed' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'whichViewApplicationLabel' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'whichapplication' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'whichhomeapplication' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_connected_message' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_connected_title' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_connecting_message' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_connecting_title' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_disconnect' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_message' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'wifi_display_notification_title' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'work_mode_off_message' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'work_mode_off_title' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'work_mode_turn_on' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'year_picker_description' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'yesterday' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'zen_mode_next_alarm_line_one' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'zen_mode_next_alarm_summary' has no default translation.
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/sounds/bootanim0.raw
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/sounds/bootanim1.raw
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/webkit/hyph_en_US.dic
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/webkit/incognito_mode_start_page.html
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/webkit/youtube.html

    [*] Recompiling miui
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'expandBackground' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'name' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'level' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_first_h' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_first_h' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_last_h' in package 'miui'
    I: No resource identifier found for attribute 'state_last_h' in package 'miui'
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...
    I: Not found unkown file : classes.dex
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/huangli.idf
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/operators.dat
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/license/in/in_ID/privacy.html

    [*] Recompiling miuisystem
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    W: warning: string 'select_all' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'shutdown_confirm_title' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'status_bar_toggle_wifi_ap' has no default translation.
    W: warning: string 'unknown_caller' has no default translation.
    W: warning: Package not found for resource #1001004f
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...
    I: Not found unkown file : classes.dex
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/device_features/HM2013022.xml
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/device_features/HM2013023.xml
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/device_features/HM2014011.xml
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/device_features/wt88047.xml

    [*] Recompiling PersonalAssistantPlugin
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...

    [*] Recompiling SmsExtra
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...

    [*] Recompiling SpacesCore
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...

    [*] Recompiling WebViewGoogle
    I: Using ShakaApktool 3.0.0-master-f1e0a9f-20160905
    W: Could not find sources
    I: Checking whether resources has changed...
    I: Building resources...
    I: Building apk file...
    I: Copying unknown files/dir...
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/icudtl.dat
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/natives_blob_32.bin
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/natives_blob_64.bin
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/snapshot_blob_32.bin
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/snapshot_blob_64.bin
    I: Not found unkown file : assets/webviewchromium.pak
    I: Not found unkown file : lib/arm64-v8a/libwebviewchromium.so
    I: Not found unkown file : lib/armeabi-v7a/libwebviewchromium.so


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