


Aktív témák

  • emvy


    válasz emvy #32 üzenetére

    How Passive Matrix works
    Passive Matrix displays consist of an array of picture elements, or pixels, deposited on a patterned substrate in a matrix of rows and columns. In an OLED display, each pixel is an organic light emitting diode, formed at the intersection of each column and row line. The first OLED displays, like the first LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays), are addressed as a passive matrix. This means that to illuminate any particular pixel, electrical signals are applied to the row line and column line (the intersection of which defines the pixel). The more current pumped through each pixel diode, the brighter the pixel looks to our eyes.
    How Active Matrix Works
    In an active matrix display, the array is still divided into a series of row and column lines, with each pixel formed at the intersection of a row and column line. However, each pixel now consists of an organic light emitting diode (OLED) in series with a thin film transistor (TFT). The TFT is a switch that can control the amount of current flowing through the OLED.
    In an active matrix OLED display (AMOLED), information is sent to the transistor in each pixel, telling it how bright the pixel should shine. The TFT then stores this information and continuously controls the current flowing through the OLED. In this way the OLED is operating all the time, avoiding the need for the very high currents necessary in a passive matrix display.

    ..gyakorlatilag alig fogyasztanak...lesz értelme a színes mobiloknak, stb.

    while (!sleep) sheep++;

  • keopsz


    válasz emvy #32 üzenetére

    ej. ne tartogassuk.. :)

    nemtom te mitől szarsz be, de miért gondolod, h az az általános beszarási-küszöb? :)

    amúgy meg the matrix has you, ha jól látom, ellenben az én szemem már most is drága jószág, és engem nem hat meg, h mi lesz MAJD. tft viszont már most is van, az említett parák meg idővel úgyis fullra megoldódnak. ám szerintem addig sem árt, ha az utóbbi ''10év'' egyik pompás kis -megjelenítőketérintő- áttörését reklámozzuk, és nem 17''-os analóg villanykörte-szörnyek előtt ülve álmodozunk a szép, új világról. mert ez utóbbi esetben tipikusan a vak vezet világtalant fennforogás köszön vissza.. az meg jó nem lehet.

    tft-re fel! :DD

    cantante di sampietrini

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