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  • Maverick14


    válasz Oliverda #2 üzenetére

    Az FPGA Journal találgatásai a hadiipari szálon kívül: [link]

    "FPGAs are now understood to be excellent “process provers” and, as a result, are among the first types of devices to be fabricated on new semiconductor processes at foundries like TSMC. Because the FPGA has a very regular structure, it is a better vehicle to evaluate a new process than, say, a big, complex processor core."

    "Apparently, in the near future, system-on-chip that includes a processing subsystem and FPGA fabric will be the go-to architecture for just about everything, combining the double-whammy programmability of software and hardware into an amazingly flexible and powerful device. Perhaps it is this alley that interests Intel - as it would be easy to conceive a high-performance Intel processor device with a load of on-chip Achronix FPGA fabric, giving us a sort-of reconfigurable supercomputer on a chip. In fact, the possibilities of including a load of FPGA fabric on Intel processor chips are almost endless. Of course, if I were Intel and I wanted to do that, I’d want to try fabricating just the FPGA part by itself first."

    My other car is an F-14 Tomcat!

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