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  • Gorneck


    válasz tlac #877 üzenetére

    Akkor kiwi lehet nem is azt találta meg?! Francért szedték ki azt a rohadt táblázatot...

    Holnap végig mérem a palettát...

    No meg lehet bővítem az oldalt...

    Áááá most nézem:
    ''anyone else notice how if you change the memory ratio from 4:5 to 5:6 the performance level changes from 7 to 10. Then if you change it from 5:6 to 1:1, the performance level jumps to 11. This was all @ 490MHz FSB on a P35-DQ6.

    EDIT: On a hunch i did some more testing.

    I booted to 400MHz FSB with memory @ 1:1, Performance Level was 11. Booted to 515MHz with memory @ 1:1, Performance Level was still 11. Booted to 515MHz FSB with memory @ 5:6, Performance Level dropped to 10. Booted to 400MHz FSB 5:6, Performance Level was also 10.

    So I do not believe the FSB has anything to do with the strap change on the P35-DQ6, just the memory ratio. Kind of odd through that 1:1 would be a higher Performance level over 4:5 though.''



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