

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • oriic


    válasz peterm711 #10058 üzenetére

    Így megy a benchmark elvileg:

    01. Download oaMan from: http://developer.nvidia.com/content/oaman-ui-tool
    02. Extract the oaman.zip file into a directory on your HDD
    03. Start the oaman.exe
    04. Click on Application > Add OA Application
    05. Navigate to the Crysis2.exe which is located inside \Bin32 of your Crysis 2 installation
    06. Leave the “Command Line arguments” window empty and click “OK”
    07. oaMan output in the Log should be:
    GetOaAppInfo : Getting benchmark information of application [Crysis2.exe]
    getInfoThread : Start getting application information
    08. Crysis 2 should start and close itself again and the log should say:
    getInfoThread : Benchmark [] | [benchmark.cfg] found
    Add benchmark [benchmark] to application list
    getInfoThread : Exit Successfully
    GetOaAppInfo : Successfully get benchmark information
    09. Right click on Crysis2.exe in the Application List and select “Add to benchmark list”
    10. Make your custom settings for the benchmark via the available options for Crysis2.exe and the
    respective benchmark
    11. The game should now appear in the Benchmark List on the right side
    12. To start the benchmark click on Benchmarks menu point > Run benchmarks > Run all benchmarks
    13. The benchmark will now start
    14. Once the benchmark is done you can save your results by clicking on the menu point
    Benchmarks > Save results
    15. You will also see the Avg (Average), Min (Minimum) and Max (Maximum) FPS (Frames Per Second) in
    the Benchmark List next to the benchmark you have just run


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák