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  • Jorus


    válasz ollie #591 üzenetére

    Azért merült fel, mert Waystation North of Mountain elosztásért felelős vezetőjétől, Charles Khantól kaptam egy levelet, amiben mintha erre a kráterre utalna:

    "Hey there, Sam. Everyone’s got something they’re good at, right? Well, I’m no exception. Ever since I realized I was stranded here on this desert island of a continent, I’ve been keeping my eyes fixed to the horizon. And you know what? My vision’s gotten better as a result. People have taken to calling me “Eagle Eye Charles,” and that ain’t no lie.
    I spy things long before anyone else. Chiral clouds subtly shifting in the sky, porters walking along a mountain ridge, an undiscovered hot spring down in a valley, you name it. What’s more, I think I’ve gotten even better at it lately. I reckon it’s because of the chiral network. Or maybe it’s all in my mind, whatever.
    Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about was something I saw the other day. Something small and glowing, down in the crater where Middle Knot City used to be. I really wanted to investigate, but we don’t have any Bridges people in that area. Maybe it’s something you could look into, if you’re ever passing by?"

    Middle Knot City elvileg Lake Knottól nyugatra volt, és elvileg az a nagy kráter maradt belőle, de akkor a levél valószínűleg nem a nagy kráterre utal, hanem a kicsire mellette, ahova a Mesterember cuccaiért kellett elmennem az elején.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    ''És nagy kópék vagyunk. Igyunk barátaim, yo-hoo!'' - Jack Sparrow

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