


Aktív témák

  • sp8787


    válasz Kódos #3911 üzenetére

    Itt van a lenyeg ha jol latom:

    1) Find the breakpoints: [ Full damage gain AR - no damage gain AR) + 1] = (100-88) + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13.
    2) Find the weight area: [ (30 - weapon weight + ring weight) ] = (30-(1.5+0.9)) = 30-2.4 = 27.6
    3) Find the weight per damage gain/loss ratio: [ weight/breakpoints ] = 27.6/13 = 2.13 weight per damage gain/drop.
    4) Find the damage per gain/drop: [ 15%/breakpoints ] = 0.15/13 = 1.15% damage gain/loss

    This means: For every 2.13 weight I gain, I lose 1.15% damage(which is roughly 1 damage.).

    As a control example: Let's try the Black Knight Halberd + 5. 499 damage by itself, 548 with the ring+halberd, clocking in at 9.9 weight.
    1) 548-499 = 49 + 1 = 50 breakpoints.
    2) 30-9.9 ) 20.1 weight.
    3) 20.1/50 = 0.4 weight per damage loss/gain.
    4) 0.15/50 = 0.3% damage gain/loss
    For every 0.4 weight I gain, I lose 0.3% damage. (roughly 1.5 damage, although the estimate isn't super accurate, so we can still say it's roughly 1 damage gained/lost)

    A szamitasnak kb. az a lenyege ,hogy kiszamolod mekkora sulynovekedes okoz 1 egyseg dmage csokkenest.
    Amit amugy o pl. ugy ad meg az utolso peldaban ,hogy 0.3% damage. Abban a peldaban 1 egyseg damage 0.3%nak felel meg. Tehat mindegy egyes 0.4 egysegnyi sulynovekedes 0.3% damage csokkenest okoz azaz 1 egysegnyi damage csokkenest.

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