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  • Thrawn


    válasz schawo #25 üzenetére

    A régi se volt érzékeny, más oka volt a BCLK limitnek:

    The base clock has always been ‘open’, however in Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell it has been linked to other parts of the system, such as the storage or the PCIe, meaning that any overclocking beyond 103-105 MHz led to other issues such as signal degradation or data loss. The Skylake platform changes this – as we noted back in our initial Skylake launch details, the chipset and PCIe now have their own clock domains, meaning that the base frequency only affects the CPU (core, uncore, cache), integrated graphics and DRAM.[link]

    westlake: Márpedig ez a hivatalos álláspont. Egyébként honnan tudod, hogy nem volt ilyen kikötés? A Supermicro lap egyébként - csak hogy súlyosbítsam a helyzetet - H170 chipsettel van szerelve.

    Different songs for different moods. łłł DIII Thrawn#2856 łłł Look! More hidden footprints! łłł D4BAD łłł WoT: s_thrawn łłł

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