


Aktív témák

  • Chesterfield

    senior tag

    válasz mpierre #9946 üzenetére

    Nincs erről a színbeállításról valami tömörebb magyar leírás?
    Nekem is Le40C650 van

    Ez lenne az a nagyjából jó beállítás?
    Picture Mode: MOVIE
    Backlight: 4 (to achieve ~115 cd/m2 peak luminance – set this according to your viewing environment)
    Contrast: 94
    Brightness: 44
    Sharpness: 0 for HD content, 20-30 for SD
    Colour: 48
    Tint: Neutral (50/50)

    Black Tone: Off
    Dynamic Contrast: Off
    Shadow Detail: 0
    Gamma: +1
    Colour Space: Custom (see settings below)
    Flesh Tone: 0
    Edge Enhancer: Off

    CMS Settings (R / G / B):
    Red: 50 0 0
    Green: 25 55 0
    Blue: 0 14 71
    Yellow: 52 52 0
    Cyan: 24 52 54
    Magenta: 43 9 55

    White Balance:
    Offset (R,G,B): 28, 25, 24
    Gain (R,G,B): 19, 26, 24

    10p White Balance: ON
    Interval 1 (R,G,B): 2 0 0
    2: 0 0 -1
    3: 0 0 -1
    4: -1 0 -1
    5: 0 0 0
    6: 1 0 0
    7: 0 0 -1
    8: 0 1 -2
    9: 0 2 -2
    10: 0 2 -3

    Picture Options screen:
    Colour Tone: Warm2
    Aspect Ratio: Screen Fit for 1080i/1080p, according to source otherwise
    Digital Noise Filter: Off
    MPEG Noise Filter: Off
    HDMI Black Level: depends on source, “Low” for video devices
    Film Mode: Auto 1 or Auto 2 depending on content
    Motion Plus: Custom, Blur Reduction: 10, Judder Reduction: 0

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