
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • vargalex


    válasz F34R #54657 üzenetére


    Persze, lehet ssh-n is flash-elni:

    sysupgrade -n firmware_file_neve_eleresi_uttal

    A -n kapcsoló kell ahhoz, hogy ne tartsa meg a beállításokat:

    root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade --help
    Usage: /sbin/sysupgrade [<upgrade-option>...] <image file or URL>
    /sbin/sysupgrade [-q] [-i] <backup-command> <file>

    -d <delay> add a delay before rebooting
    -f <config> restore configuration from .tar.gz (file or url)
    -i interactive mode
    -c attempt to preserve all changed files in /etc/
    -n do not save configuration over reflash
    -F | --force
    Flash image even if image checks fail, this is dangerous!
    -q less verbose
    -v more verbose
    -h | --help display this help

    -b | --create-backup <file>
    create .tar.gz of files specified in sysupgrade.conf
    then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-',
    i.e. stdout, verbosity is set to 0 (i.e. quiet).
    -r | --restore-backup <file>
    restore a .tar.gz created with sysupgrade -b
    then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-',
    the archive is read from stdin.


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák