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  • Fel


    válasz jahrn #16531 üzenetére

    Van itt egy régebbi cikk a T110-ről: [link]
    Néhány dolgot emelnék ki belőle:

    "GoHa.Ru : Many players are anxious about the 120mm cannon of T110, since it will be the smallest cannon caliber within currently existing level 10 heavy tanks. How the developers are going to compensate this deficiency? Maybe, with a very high rate of fire or with additional precision?

    SerB : As far as the 120mm cannon is concerned, this is a rather modern weapon with very good characteristics, including high armor piercing. The parameters of this cannon will be more than adequate."

    "GoHa.Ru : Along with the small caliber cannon, the armor of T110 is also not really impressive. Moreover, released screenshots show a commander’s cupola on the turret, which, as we know, means a spot of practically 100% probability of piercing. What do you think, will a smaller cannon and weaker armor compensate for these weaknesses?

    SerB : Well, T110 is, actually, very similar to M103. Americans tried to make it smaller and equip it with better armor. New USA top heavy tank will be well armed, since it will possess no longer that hellish uber-cannon, but it will be better armored significantly. In short, now it will be a tank, not an SPG.
    As far as the cupola is concerned, Americans liked to play with vehicle gun defense on tanks. But a similar cupola can be found on KV-5, for example. There is nothing we can do, we can only advise players to be very careful with it in battle.

    Szóval lesz egy T30-nál kisebb, mozgékonyabb, jobban páncélozott tankunk. A löveg kisebet fog csípni, de azt gyorsan, és "mélyen". És, igen, a géppityukupola bizony weakspot lesz... :U Az idézetből az utolsó mondat nagyon jópofa..

    ollie: :DDD Biztosan elkezdte a szovjet ágat is, miután végzett az amcsival: [link]

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Iron Funeral


    válasz jahrn #16531 üzenetére

    Végül is igen, de akkor csak egyszer kellene tudni sebezni azt nem? :P

    Which Twilight do you like the most? Twilight of The Thunder God! /,,/

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