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  • krisss93

    aktív tag

    válasz nyunyu #40656 üzenetére

    Igaz, de 9 fogorvosból 10 azt ajánlja. Szerintem az E2- eléggé dogfighter tank (főleg a derpgunnal) így a látótávolság gond is elhanyagolható.
    Meg, hogyne fordulna lassan amikor jóval nehezebb a + páncélzat miatt.
    Azt imádtam amikor felraktam a második tornyot és egy t50-2 ammo rackkel kilőtt úgy, hogy átlőtte a torony oldalát.


    "The upgraded turret has better view range and rotation speed, but except the mantlet, the all-around armor is very low and this is a liability sometimes. The stock turret has also a weakness, the almost flat area above the mantlet is a lot weaker than the rest."

    ".There are two main schools of Jumbo drivers; those who ride it with the upgraded turret + M1A2 top gun combination, and those who sticked with the stock turret and the M4 howitzer. The 105 mm and the HE ammo offers a potential to hurt all opponents regardless to their position, but at the cost of killing speed against same and lower opponents with substantial armor. More people choose the rapid-firing second 76 mm gun and take on the softer second turret
    I had tried them all, but I followed a third path in my last few hundred battles. I found the firepower of the M1A1 gun still adequate and kept the much more reliable stock turret with the heavier armor."

    Itt is írják, hogy megéri a stock tornyot használni

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