

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Langsam

    aktív tag

    Na most kicsivel tovább ment a Phoenix, ezt írta ki, csak a végét írom be, fórum javaslatra most skandináv rommal próbáltam:

    Waiting for communication response: 1
    Error 0x8401F121 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm.
    Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing
    Starting to recover the phone
    Recovering phone
    Scanning image files...
    Phone recovery completed. Waiting for phone to boot up
    Bootup successful
    Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
    Failed to verfy communication to product
    Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
    Failed to verfy communication to product
    Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
    Failed to verfy communication to product
    Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
    Failed to verfy communication to product
    All operations completed
    Firmware updating failed.

    Van valami ötlet, hogyan tovább ? Köszönöm. Üdv.

    Obi Van ? Nincs, már elfogyott...

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák