

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • worxland


    A Linux-os Samu SSD adatvesztéses történet konklúziója:
    "UPDATE July 17:
    We have just finished a conference call with Samsung considering the failure analysis of this issue. Samsung engineering team has been able to successfully reproduce the issue with our latest provided binary.

    Samsung had a concrete conclusion that the issue is not related to Samsung SSD or Algolia software but is related to the Linux kernel. Samsung has developed a kernel patch to resolve this issue and the official statement with details will be released tomorrow, July 18 on Linux community with the Linux patch guide. Our testing code is available on GitHub.

    This has been an amazing ride, thank you everyone for joining, we have arrived at the destination."
    Angolul nem annyira értőknek: Linux-kernel hiba, és nem a Samu firmware-rel van gond.

    ''It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent.'' - Q

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák