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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz plömplöm #34 üzenetére

    > nem értem, mi köze a thunderbolt security-nak egy bitlockerhez, beírja a pin-t?

    bármilyen preparált TB3 -as kütyü - bármit fel tud telepíteni;
    lehet, hogy akkor dugod rá, amikor használod ... pl. egy külső projektort;

    messziről nézve ugyanaz a probléma mint a preparált USB-kel ..
    bármi felmászhat róla agépedre és a háttérben müködhet.


    "If you intend to use Thunderbolt connectivity, we strongly recommend to:
    - Connect only your own Thunderbolt peripherals. Never lend them to anybody.
    - Avoid leaving your system unattended while powered on, even when screenlocked.
    - Avoid leaving your Thunderbolt peripherals unattended.
    - Ensure appropriate physical security when storing your system and any Thunderbolt devices, including Thunderbolt-powered displays.
    - Consider using hibernation (Suspend-to-Disk) or powering off the system completely.
    Specifically, avoid using sleep mode (Suspend-to-RAM).

    If you do not intend to use Thunderbolt, we strongly recommend to:
    - Disable the Thunderbolt controller entirely in UEFI (BIOS). Please note that this renders all Thunderbolt ports inoperable, including USB and DisplayPort connectivity. However, USB-C charging will most likely remain functioning.

    Some systems exclusively provide Thunderbolt 3 ports for external connectivity, in which case the latter mitigation may not be practically feasible. For these systems, we recommend following the former recommendations on using Thunderbolt connectivity instead."

    Mottó: "A verseny jó!"

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