

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • [HUN]Zolee

    senior tag

    válasz kraftxld #5619 üzenetére

    Igen SP2 van fent.

    A régi router gép kihalt és került helyére egy cisco egység ( itt vettem át a rendszer mert a régi rg és mivel ott dolgoztam kiadta a főnök nekem). CEICW ott hal el miután bekérte az összes adatot, kilistázza az összegzést, és utánna azonnal elhasal amint tovább megyek.

    8/28/2013 9:17 PM
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\ICW\wizinet.dll, version 5.2.2651.0
    calling CNetCommit::ValidatePropertyBag ().
    Call to Querying for the property bag () returned ok.
    Call to Reading hardware selection () returned ok.
    Hardware selection: 0
    Call to Validating hardware selection () returned ok.
    Call to Reading LAN NIC Guid () returned ok.
    LAN NIC Guid: {A1FC8E83-E133-42A6-A3EC-72631366D4A0}
    Call to Validating LAN NIC Guid () returned ok.
    Call to Validating NIC properties () returned ok.
    Broadband selection: 1
    Call to Validating broadband selection () returned ok.
    calling CNetCommit::ValidateRouterConnectionProperties ().
    Call to Reading UPNP selection () returned ok.
    UPnP Router
    Call to Reading Router IP () returned ok.
    Router IP:
    Call to Validating Router IP () returned ok.
    Call to Reading preferred DNS server IP () returned ok.
    Preferred DNS server IP:
    Call to Validating preferred DNS server IP () returned ok.
    Call to Reading alternate DNS server IP () returned ok.
    Alternate DNS server IP:
    Call to Validating alternate DNS server IP () returned ok.
    Call to Validating preferred and alternate DNS servers () returned ok.
    Call to Reading router on second NIC () returned ok.
    calling CNetCommit::ValidateUpnpRouterProperties ().
    Call to Initializing the UPnP device () returned ok.
    Error 0x1 returned from call to Retrieving the device description().
    Error 0x1 returned from call to Validating Upnp properties().
    Error 0x1 returned from call to CNetCommit::ValidateRouterConnectionProperties().

    8/28/2013 9:17 PM
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking\ICW\wizrfire.dll, version 5.2.2651.0
    calling CRFireCommit::ValidatePropertyBag (0x108b560).
    Upnp URL is
    Call to Initializing Upnp Device () returned ok.
    Error 0x1 returned from call to HttpGetDeviceXML().
    Error 0x80004005 returned from call to GetServiceConfigURL for WANPPPConnection().
    Error 0x80004005 returned from call to GetServiceConfigURL for WANIPConnection().
    Error: Router does not support WANIPConnection or WANPPPConnection
    Signaling upnp config failure
    Error 0x80070057 returned from call to CRFireCommit::ValidatePropertyBag().

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    ''<[HUN]DrH>valaki mondjon egy tuningolos programot a mivel kocsis képeket tudok tuningoloni.''

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák