


Aktív témák

  • Real_Necro


    válasz Freddy76 #34706 üzenetére

    G - Gelded
    AF-S - Silent wave motor :)

    Meg egy Kenroki idézet:

    "G is not a feature, G is a handicap. G stands for gelded.

    G lenses are lenses which have been crippled by removing their aperture rings to save cost. This is a classic example of taking away features while making customers think they are getting something new. G eliminates many features with older cameras.

    These newest AF lenses have no aperture ring. This means that they will not work on manual focus cameras since there is no way to set the aperture. You can mount them, however every shot will be made at the smallest aperture and your metering will be way off (probably about SIX stops underexposed) since the camera has no way to know what the aperture will be."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    „Az, ami törvényes, az ugye nem lehet etikátlan. Ez etikátlan, ezért lehetne törvénytelen, de ami nem törvénytelen, az nem is helytelen. Ha helytelen lenne, törvénytelen is lenne.”

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