
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Oliverda


    "I'm also pleased to share that we are making excellent progress on our strategy to reestablish our presence in the datacenter market, as we successfully passed several key milestones related to our next-generation Zen-based server processor. The Zen silicon running in our bring-up labs is meeting our expectations, and priority customer sampling is on track to begin this quarter in advance of datacenter system availability in 2017.
    We are pleased with the progress on Zen. Obviously, there are lots of engineering milestones to pass, but a key one is that we're on track to sample to our priority customers in the second quarter."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "Minden negyedik-ötödik magyar funkcionális analfabéta – derült ki a nemzetközi felmérésekből."

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák