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  • Oliverda


    válasz Balala2007 #14841 üzenetére

    Nem rémlik, hogy az AMD valaha is alkalmazott volna inkluzív cache-t. Nálam ez is csak azt támasztja alá, hogy a Zen több ponton fog hasonlítani a Nehalem-Haswell vonalra.

    "The L2 cache acts as a buffer to the L3 cache so you don’t have all of the cores banging on the L3 cache, requiring tons of bandwidth.

    The L3 cache is shared by all cores and in the initial Core i7 processors will be 8MB large, although its size will vary depending on the number of cores. Multi-threaded applications that are being worked on by all cores will enjoy the large, shared L3 cache.

    Intel defended its reasoning for using an inclusive cache architecture with Nehalem, something it has always done in the past. Nehalem’s L3 cache is inclusive in that it contains all data stored in the L1 and L2 caches as well. The benefit is that if the CPU looks for data in L3 and doesn’t find it, it knows that the data doesn’t exist in any core’s L1 or L2 caches - thereby saving core snoop traffic, which not only improves performance but reduces power consumption as well.

    An inclusive cache also prevents core snoop traffic from getting out of hand as you increase the number of cores, something that Nehalem has to worry about given its aspirations of extending beyond 4 cores. " - [link]

    Olyan ötletet is hallottam már, hogy az inkluzív dizájnra most elsősorban a TSX miatt van szükség.

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