


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • V/


    válasz nagy@gmx.com #70468 üzenetére

    Szerintem az utóbbi napokban is írtam, ha kézhez veszi azután 6 napon belül vissza kell adni a pénzt, ha nem teszi a 7. napon kéred az eBay segítségét.
    Kérni kérheted most is, de ez a folyamat.
    Egy return request-el kellene indulni a cím kérésnek.

  • nagy@gmx.com


    válasz nagy@gmx.com #70468 üzenetére

    Ha jól értem, küldjem vissza, és küldik a postaköltséget előre?

    Megpanaszoltam a hibát, és ezt az üzenetet kaptam az eBay-en az eladótól:

    So sorry for the inconvenience to you .
    We pay much attention into the information you feedback us, We confirmed with

    our supplier at once.
    First of all, All of our phones are brand new and original ones.
    Maybe it was damaged in transit or versions are different.but their hardware are

    the same.
    Before returning the phone.Pls make factory reset on the phone to protect your


    We have sent EUR7 shipping fee to your paypal account.Pls claim the payment,then you will receive the postage,thanks.

    Transaction ID:

    Pls return the phone with accessories to the following address for refund :

    MBB/ ESTAR(ES0077)
    Schubert Straße 65
    15234 Frankfurt oder Germany

    Pls send the item via registerd mail in your post office. And pls print a note

    (including your eBay ID ,shipping address,email address and the reason of

    return) put into the package,and declare it as"RMA phone" to arrange the refund

    for you faster.
    Supply us the tracking number after shipping.


    PayPal fiókom nincs, de előtte 1 perccel a PayPal-tól ezt kaptam:

    Bestpartner Trade Development CO., Limited sent you €7.00 EUR


    Just thought you'd like to know Bestpartner Trade Development CO., Limited sent you €7.00 EUR.

    Note from Bestpartner Trade Development CO., Limited:


    Claim Your Money Now

    Once you've received the payment, you can:
    Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.
    Transfer it to your bank account (takes 3-7 business days).

    Button not working?

    To claim your money, sign up for an account using this email address:.
    If you already have a PayPal account, just add this email address to it.

    When that's done - and you've confirmed your email address - this payment will show up in your PayPal account.


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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák