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  • Dare2Live


    válasz Hydra SR #747 üzenetére

    TAV csak Pentaxon van.

    Auto Iso Pentaxon és Nikonon is van.
    egy vélemény auto isorol talán így érthető mire is jó, miben is más mint TAV. (bár hasonló nem véletlen hívja luminus TAVot auto isonak.)
    ''On my D80, I leave it in ''P'', with Auto ISO set to 800 max, 1/60 s. This lets me take shots without thinking too much. If I need a faster shutter speed I can just [P]rogram it by rolling the wheel around. Same thing if I want to alter the aperture. If I switch to A or S mode I find myself leaving it there by accident and then missing some shots later on. With P mode I find just rolling the wheel around is simple enough for what I need to do. The Auto ISO just kicks in when it is needed, without me having to worry about it at all. Perfect.

    Mind TAVra mind auto isora nemnehéz elképzelni helyzeteket amikor bezony joljön. Persze ha nemakarod nemhasználod.


    don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

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